Claire Silva

Claire Silva

Name: Claire Silva - Associate Director of Admission

(she / her / hers)

Location: Based regionally in Western Washington

Phone: 509.313.6286

Hometown: Steilacoom, WA

Education: M.A. Communication and Leadership Studies - Gonzaga University
B.A. Public Relations, minor Theatre Arts - Gonzaga University

Territories: Hawaii, Guam, select schools in Western Washington

Why are you in admissions at Gonzaga?
I absolutely loved my Gonzaga experience as a student and I love sharing that with others. I also appreciate that when you ask a student or alumni to describe what makes Gonzaga so special, many have trouble putting it into words. This is why I work in Admissions at Gonzaga. Gonzaga is a place that means so many different things to each person that has had a Gonzaga experience. Whether it was being taught by an inspiring professor who changed their perspective, studying abroad, or meeting their very best friend, Gonzaga is a place that I believe provides students with more than just a degree. Gonzaga is a place that educates the whole person; mind, body, and spirit. 

Where is your favorite place on campus?
College Hall, home to the Office of Admission. This is one of my favorite places on campus. All Gonzaga students have walked the halls of College Hall (or the Ad Building as it was previously named). I love the history and stories that this building holds. Be sure to check out the photos that show Gonzaga's history as you walk through the 1st and 2nd floors of College Hall. 

What is one piece of advice you have for prospective students?
Don't be shy! Ask questions. We are here to help you navigate the admission process. Personally, as a senior in high school, I didn't think I needed to talk to an admission counselor. Knowing what I know now, I wish I would have. I could have learned more about resources and other scholarship opportunities that GU had to offer.