students studying and smiling

Student Life

We endeavor to help students develop through the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis, which translates from Latin as "care and concern for the dignity of the whole person."

Students prepare food for the Campus Kitchens program in Cataldo.

Community Engagement & Service

outdoor yoga class

Student Support

student at entrance of Desmet Hall

Living On-Campus

Spring time in front of Hemmingson Center.

Health & Well-Being

New Student Orientation


Postcard that reads "I love my Zag"

Information for Parents & Families

students visiting LinkedIn

Career & Professional Development

two students looking at art

Arts & Culture

The morning sun shines on a Gonzaga sign.

Resolution Center for Student Conduct and Conflict

The morning sun shines on a Gonzaga sign.

Student Affairs

An aerial view of Gonzaga's campus

Our Campus & Location

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Our Favorite Spokane Fall Activities

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