Alternative Resolution Processes

Alternative Resolution Processes are used by the Resolution Center for Student Conduct and Conflict to meet with students to resolve reports of alleged misconduct and provide resources as an alternative to a student conduct process. The use of Alternative Resolution Processes is at the discretion of the Resolution Center for Student Conduct and Conflict. Based on the facts and circumstances of an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the Resolution Center for Student Conduct and Conflict will send a notice inviting parties to participate in the process.




Frequently Asked Questions

Am I required to participate?

No. Participation is voluntary. If you or another party choose not to participate, then the alleged violation will be resolved through a student conduct process.

Is the process confidential?

Information shared is kept private, with two exceptions: 1) mention of a serious violation of the Student Code of Conduct or law - not including the violation being discussed, 2) if a staff member becomes aware that someone may be in danger of serious imminent harm.

Will there be a record of the process?

Records of alleged misconduct resolved through Alternative Resolution Processes are maintained by the Resolution Center for Student Conduct and Conflict in compliance with University records and retention policies. The information is not released as part of a student’s conduct record, however should subsequent violations of University policy occur, conduct officer(s) will be informed of Alternative Resolution Processes for the purposes of determining an effective conduct outcome.