
If you or your office/department are interested in any of the below listed training/assessments we offer, please contact Officer Tyler – Crime Prevention and Education via email:

Behavior Based Reporting/Safe Bystander : Campus Security and Public Safety offers this training to help assess reportable behavior. There is no singular behavioral activity that can indicate someone is planning an illegal act, but recognizing unusual or abnormal behavioral cues with the eyes, mouth, hands, and feet can differentiate normal from abnormal behaviors. This training also removes, by using behaviors and not beings, any implicit bias we may have in reporting. Our Safe Bystander training acknowledges the history of controversial arrests/use of force and ensures Campus Security and Public Safety does not negate the lived experiences of those we serve. We apply simple steps to the bystander process to recognize the importance of our students, staff, and faculty and ensure interactions, under high stress, are safe and appropriate. We use the steps: See/observe, Determine what, if any, actions to take, and what those personal actions are.

Bomb Threat Training:  Campus Security and Public Safety offers this training to help prepare our campus community in the event of a bomb threat. The focus of this 1-hr training session will be to offer easily remembered steps to take in the event of a bomb threat, whether in-person, via telephone, email or via mail. (Checklist provided at conclusion of training.)

Active Shooter (Run, Hide, Fight) Training:  Campus Security and Public Safety offers this course to teach and describe actions to take when confronted with an active shooter or armed aggressor and to assist responding Campus Security and Law Enforcement officials. This course will provide examples of actions/steps to take that will help prevent and prepare for these incidents. It will also touch on recognizing indicators and how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident.

Office Safety Assessments:  Camus Security and Public Safety offers this assessment for your unique office space and any potential individual safety/security concerns that are or could be present, e.g., disgruntled former employee, workplace violence, etc. This assessment will address concerns and offer safety tips for your space and staff, taking into consideration the dynamics of the space and work environment. This may include addressing active assailants, physical security and information security measures.

Off-Campus CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) rental home assessments:  Campus Security and Public Safety offers this ‘advisory’ service to evaluate your home’s security, based on the principles of CPTED:  Natural Access Control, Natural Surveillance, Territorial Reinforcement, and Maintenance and Management.  We will address areas such as exterior doors, lighting, landscape, windows, security while away from home, and maintenance. This service does not address code violations or other contract and legal issues.