Interview Prep

Being invited to interview is an indication that a health professions school is interested in understanding more about you after reviewing your application. It also presents an opportunity for you to visit and learn more about the program.

Schools Utilize Multiple Interview Formats

Possibilities including one-on-one interviews, group interviews, and scenario-based interviews known as Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI). Try to gather as much information about the interview day or process so that you know what to expect and can tailor your preparation for that experience.

Review and Reflect

Prepare your experiences, and identify some examples, stories, personal qualities, or key points you hope to communicate in your interview. Feel free to draw from your personal background as well as clinical, educational, work, volunteer, and other settings.

Interviewers often ask you to discuss relevant healthcare issues, so be sure you keep up with current events through reading, listening, or watching different media.

Conduct Mock Interviews

Practice responding to common types of questions. Be ready to answer questions about you, why you are interested in that particular healthcare career, as well as behavioral and situational-based questions, which are described below.

  • Behavioral Questions ask you to cite a past experience; be sure to discuss the situation or task you encountered, the actions you took, and the outcome of your actions.
  • Situational questions may propose hypothetical or ethical scenarios; discuss the actions you should take, why you should take those actions, and what you would expect the result of your actions to be.

For more assistance with interview preparation, schedule an appointment with the Health Professions Pathways Program.

Practice your interview skills by video recording yourself answering a variety of questions on InverviewStream. Then watch your interview and score yourself using a rubric and scorecard.