All Stories Home News, Events & Stories Stories Filter by Topic Section Menu Academics Alumni Arts & Culture Careers & Outcomes Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Voices Faith & Mission Global Impact Health & Wellness Service & Community Impact Student Life Sustainability Lifting the Lamp December 05, 2018 In “Lifting the Lamp” – a phrase harkening to the inscription on the Statue of Liberty – we share faculty, alumni and student perspectives on... How Do You Plead? November 30, 2018 Gonzaga Magazine's editor sets the stage for a feature on immigration Buen Camino November 28, 2018 Gonzaga alumni share their pilgrimage experiences on the Camino de Santiago in Spain Coming and Going: For Innovation and Immersion November 28, 2018 For over a decade, Gonzaga has been partnering with Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, a Jesuit institution in Colombia. Professor Shepherd's Research Targets Parasitic Infections November 12, 2018 Tenaciously, she aims to find new ways to treat parasitic infections, a Third World epidemic. Zags in Stellenbosch October 05, 2018 Two Gonzaga students share their adventures abroad in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Aizley Hansen Teaches in Spain on a Fulbright Award September 25, 2018 Hansen, a 2018 Gonzaga graduate, is teaching English at a bilingual high school in Madrid, Spain through a prestigious Fulbright scholarship. Learning Language September 12, 2018 After spending most of the summer before her senior year of high school focusing in the Dominican Republic, Aizley Hansen (’18) knew she ultimately... Treks Go International in 2019 September 11, 2018 Building on the treks successes of the past, Career & Professional Development is partnering with the Center for Global Engagement to sponsor... Open Mind, Open Heart August 29, 2018 Learn about the refugee support of Shannon Dunn in “Welcoming the Stranger.” Gonzaga Digital Humanities Project Shines August 09, 2018 An academic paper presented by Gonzaga faculty Katey Roden and Pavel Shlossberg was selected as one of six finalists for the prestigious Paul Fortier... Exactly Where I'm Supposed to Be June 21, 2018 On an immersion trip to Ecuador, Karina Keyser found what it is to be present. The Ministry Institute: Haven for Servants June 19, 2018 Participants of The Ministry Institute are priests and nuns from around the world, coming to Gonzaga for sabbatical. Lingering Lessons from the Sonoran Desert June 01, 2018 In 2014, a walk in the desert changed John Draxler's life. Today, he's headed to law school as a result. The Next Step; A Year of Service May 23, 2018 Thirty-three grads of the Class of 2018 are taking a year to volunteer Previous 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... 17 18 19 20 Next
Lifting the Lamp December 05, 2018 In “Lifting the Lamp” – a phrase harkening to the inscription on the Statue of Liberty – we share faculty, alumni and student perspectives on... How Do You Plead? November 30, 2018 Gonzaga Magazine's editor sets the stage for a feature on immigration Buen Camino November 28, 2018 Gonzaga alumni share their pilgrimage experiences on the Camino de Santiago in Spain Coming and Going: For Innovation and Immersion November 28, 2018 For over a decade, Gonzaga has been partnering with Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, a Jesuit institution in Colombia. Professor Shepherd's Research Targets Parasitic Infections November 12, 2018 Tenaciously, she aims to find new ways to treat parasitic infections, a Third World epidemic. Zags in Stellenbosch October 05, 2018 Two Gonzaga students share their adventures abroad in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Aizley Hansen Teaches in Spain on a Fulbright Award September 25, 2018 Hansen, a 2018 Gonzaga graduate, is teaching English at a bilingual high school in Madrid, Spain through a prestigious Fulbright scholarship. Learning Language September 12, 2018 After spending most of the summer before her senior year of high school focusing in the Dominican Republic, Aizley Hansen (’18) knew she ultimately... Treks Go International in 2019 September 11, 2018 Building on the treks successes of the past, Career & Professional Development is partnering with the Center for Global Engagement to sponsor... Open Mind, Open Heart August 29, 2018 Learn about the refugee support of Shannon Dunn in “Welcoming the Stranger.” Gonzaga Digital Humanities Project Shines August 09, 2018 An academic paper presented by Gonzaga faculty Katey Roden and Pavel Shlossberg was selected as one of six finalists for the prestigious Paul Fortier... Exactly Where I'm Supposed to Be June 21, 2018 On an immersion trip to Ecuador, Karina Keyser found what it is to be present. The Ministry Institute: Haven for Servants June 19, 2018 Participants of The Ministry Institute are priests and nuns from around the world, coming to Gonzaga for sabbatical. Lingering Lessons from the Sonoran Desert June 01, 2018 In 2014, a walk in the desert changed John Draxler's life. Today, he's headed to law school as a result. The Next Step; A Year of Service May 23, 2018 Thirty-three grads of the Class of 2018 are taking a year to volunteer