Spires Yearbook

About Spires Yearbook

Spires Yearbook documents student life at Gonzaga University. Past issues date back to 1924. Each year a team of students on the yearbook staff is responsible for the Photography, Design, Writing, Illustration, Sales, Creation and Production of the annual hardcover, 200 page book. The yearbook features Senior Portraits in cap and gown, Senior Tributes from parent and family members and captures events and memories of the past academic year.

Information about the Upcoming Yearbook and Past Issues of Spires

The 2025 Spires Yearbook will begin presale in August.


Contact scheerer@gonzaga.edu with questions.


2023-2024 Spires Yearbook

  • Can I buy a 2023-2024 Spires Yearbook? 

Yes, click "How to Purchase Past Spires Yearbooks."

  • I graduated and forgot to pick up my book, can I get it shipped?

Yes, please purchase the shipping option on our Cashnet Page.


If you were unable to pickup your Spires Yearbook in person, you can get the book mailed to you by paying the $5 mailing fee here

*We only mail to addresses within the United States


The deadline to purchase a senior portrait for class of 2024 has now passed. 

Tributes for the 2025 book will go on sale in September.


Class of 2025 formal senior portraits will begin in September. 


There will be one session per month in September, October, November, and January. 


Photos are available for purchase and will print in Spires Yearbook.


If you already took your portrait, you can find your proof and order prints and files here.




Past editions of Spires are available for purchase for $50 on our website. Click here to go to the site.


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502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99258-0076
College Hall 4th Floor, Rm. 433