All Stories Home News, Events & Stories Stories Filter by Topic Section Menu Academics Alumni Arts & Culture Careers & Outcomes Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Voices Faith & Mission Global Impact Health & Wellness Service & Community Impact Student Life Sustainability Legacy of a Missionary September 24, 2018 Read the story of Fr. Cataldo and Mother Katharine Drexel in their mission work in the west. Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies Celebrates 20 Years September 21, 2018 The Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies will celebrate a landmark milestone on Oct. 12, looking back to 20 years of work and looking ahead to an... Zags to March Saturday in 49th Annual Pilgrimage to Cataldo Mission September 13, 2018 Some 120 GU students, Jesuits, faculty, staff, alumni, family and friends are expected to take part Saturday in the trek to the historic Mission of... Optimism, Hope, Themes at Mass of the Holy Spirit September 11, 2018 New beginnings and the persistence of hope were themes that echoed through St. Aloysius Cathedral at the Mass of the Holy Spirit. The annual mass, a... Marriage and the Mountains September 06, 2018 Gonzaga Liturgy and Music Specialist Greg Onofrio and his wife Carol completed their goal of climbing Colorado's biggest peaks. A Divine Path to Homeboy Industries August 31, 2018 Father Mark Torres, S.J., has been a key member of the Homeboy Industries team for two decades. Good Reads About Father Greg Boyle August 31, 2018 Good reads about Father Greg Boyle, S.J., Founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles and a Gonzaga Alumnus. Gonzaga Presents Series on Famous Encyclical of Pope John Paul II August 29, 2018 ‘Fides Et Ratio (Faith and Reason): Twenty Years Later’ Resiliency August 29, 2018 In our “Welcoming the Stranger” series, see how Scott Starbuck rides for refugees. My Gift August 27, 2018 A scholarship fundraiser stepped into a new pair of shoes and received a gift unlike any she'd ever experienced. Magis Awards for Nordstrom and Measor August 21, 2018 Here are two Gonzaga faculty members who received Student Development's Magis Awards for service to students during the 2017-2018 year. Gonzaga Digital Humanities Project Shines August 09, 2018 An academic paper presented by Gonzaga faculty Katey Roden and Pavel Shlossberg was selected as one of six finalists for the prestigious Paul Fortier... A Year of Discernment August 09, 2018 Gonzaga President Thayne McCulloh shares about the Jesuit practice of discernment, called the Examen, and what it means for the University in Immersed: Thoughts from Mission Possible '18 July 05, 2018 Gonzaga students reflect on their experiences and service in cities across the country during Mission Possible 2018. The Selfie Generation: Conversations with Donna Freitas June 28, 2018 Are Millennials narcissists? What's the connection between the rise of anxiety and the use of social media? Author, lecturer Donna Freitas visited... Previous 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ... 25 26 27 28 29 30 Next
Legacy of a Missionary September 24, 2018 Read the story of Fr. Cataldo and Mother Katharine Drexel in their mission work in the west. Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies Celebrates 20 Years September 21, 2018 The Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies will celebrate a landmark milestone on Oct. 12, looking back to 20 years of work and looking ahead to an... Zags to March Saturday in 49th Annual Pilgrimage to Cataldo Mission September 13, 2018 Some 120 GU students, Jesuits, faculty, staff, alumni, family and friends are expected to take part Saturday in the trek to the historic Mission of... Optimism, Hope, Themes at Mass of the Holy Spirit September 11, 2018 New beginnings and the persistence of hope were themes that echoed through St. Aloysius Cathedral at the Mass of the Holy Spirit. The annual mass, a... Marriage and the Mountains September 06, 2018 Gonzaga Liturgy and Music Specialist Greg Onofrio and his wife Carol completed their goal of climbing Colorado's biggest peaks. A Divine Path to Homeboy Industries August 31, 2018 Father Mark Torres, S.J., has been a key member of the Homeboy Industries team for two decades. Good Reads About Father Greg Boyle August 31, 2018 Good reads about Father Greg Boyle, S.J., Founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles and a Gonzaga Alumnus. Gonzaga Presents Series on Famous Encyclical of Pope John Paul II August 29, 2018 ‘Fides Et Ratio (Faith and Reason): Twenty Years Later’ Resiliency August 29, 2018 In our “Welcoming the Stranger” series, see how Scott Starbuck rides for refugees. My Gift August 27, 2018 A scholarship fundraiser stepped into a new pair of shoes and received a gift unlike any she'd ever experienced. Magis Awards for Nordstrom and Measor August 21, 2018 Here are two Gonzaga faculty members who received Student Development's Magis Awards for service to students during the 2017-2018 year. Gonzaga Digital Humanities Project Shines August 09, 2018 An academic paper presented by Gonzaga faculty Katey Roden and Pavel Shlossberg was selected as one of six finalists for the prestigious Paul Fortier... A Year of Discernment August 09, 2018 Gonzaga President Thayne McCulloh shares about the Jesuit practice of discernment, called the Examen, and what it means for the University in Immersed: Thoughts from Mission Possible '18 July 05, 2018 Gonzaga students reflect on their experiences and service in cities across the country during Mission Possible 2018. The Selfie Generation: Conversations with Donna Freitas June 28, 2018 Are Millennials narcissists? What's the connection between the rise of anxiety and the use of social media? Author, lecturer Donna Freitas visited...