19th & Counting Committee Members
Chair: Angela Ruff | Student Development
Emily Banick | Student Development
Brian Cooney | Center for Public Humanities
Heather Crandall | Department of Communication Studies
Fese Elango | Gonzaga Student Body Association
Deb Ellis | Diversity, Inclusion, Community & Equity (DICE)
Suzann Girtz, School of Education
Courtney Law | GU-UW Regional Health Partnership
Adriane Leithauser | School of Business Administration
Sherri Lynch | School of Leadership Studies
Genevieve Mann | School of Law
Meredith McKay | University Ministry
Jilliene McKinstry | School of Engineering & Applied Science
Kelly Rovegno | Foley Library
Veta Schlimgen | Department of History
Erin Shields | Alumni
Jennifer Towers | School of Health Sciences
Colleen Vandenboom | Student Development
Kate Vanskike-Bunch | Marketing & Communications
Carol Weigand | GU-UW Regional Health Partnership
In accordance with Gonzaga’s mission for social justice, academic excellence and dignity of every human person, and catalyzed by the centennial of the 19th Amendment, we will engage the Gonzaga and Spokane communities by:
- Guiding activities that acknowledge the historical achievement of the civil right to vote with a year-long recognition of women’s progress and struggles for equality through collaborative efforts
- Raising contemporary issues related to all women, such as intersectionality, gender justice, racial justice and voting access
- Influencing, enhancing and learning from currently resourced and related programs and activities serving the campus and regional community
- Building the capacity of students, staff, and faculty to engage in activism
- Coordinating an activity or project to be initiated Fall 2020 which culminates the year of acknowledgement and calls for the university to further the progress of equity.