All Stories Home News, Events & Stories Stories Filter by Topic Section Menu Academics Alumni Arts & Culture Careers & Outcomes Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Voices Faith & Mission Global Impact Health & Wellness Service & Community Impact Student Life Sustainability Angela Jones: Education, Equity & Faith December 04, 2019 Angela Jones' leadership revolves around passion equitable access to education, and a strong personal faith. Tickets Available for ACDA Conference Performances March 11-14 December 04, 2019 Gonzaga hosts the American College Dance Association Northwest Conference, March 11-14, welcoming 26 universities to the celebration of scholarly and... Edelstein Gives Back to Gonzaga Students With Classroom Visit November 05, 2019 Alumnus Eric “Big Ed” Edelstein found himself back in a Gonzaga Theatre Arts class for the first time in a couple of decades, this time to share his... Professor Laurie Arnold Receives Fellowships October 18, 2019 SPOKANE, Wash. — Laurie Arnold, Ph.D., associate professor and director of Native American Studies at Gonzaga, has been named an American Council of... Unveiling of Go Forth October 14, 2019 Members of Spokane’s community came together with Gonzaga Law alumni, benefactors, Board members, administrators and students to celebrate the... Nicholas Carr to Discuss 'What Our Smartphones Are Doing to Our ... October 11, 2019 The acclaimed author and essayist best known for his books on technology, economics and culture will deliver Gonzaga's Arnold Lecture. The event is... Homerathon: Gonzaga’s Most Epic Tradition Unfolds Oct. 4 October 02, 2019 Students and other community members will take part in an all-day marathon reading of the oldest of the Greek epics, Homer’s “Iliad.” That’s 15,693... Professor Michael Herzog Pens Historical Novel on Geoffrey Chaucer September 19, 2019 For more than 30 years, Herzog passionately taught the works of 14th-century poet Geoffrey Chaucer to Gonzaga students. Now he is bringing Chaucer to... Music Department Presents Faculty Showcase Concert Sept. 29 September 16, 2019 GU music faculty will display their nationally and internationally renowned talents as performers at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center event. Law Center Presents Social Justice Conference Sept. 20 September 09, 2019 Event is titled “Medicine, Music, & Mascots: Furthering Social Justice in the Age of Intellectual Property.” Music Professor’s Composition Wins at International Competition September 04, 2019 Robert Spittal’s composition “Diversions” captures first prize at the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles Contest at the International... Behind the Scenes August 30, 2019 As amazing as the grand opening show in the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center last spring, was the colossal effort by Myrtle Woldson staff to make... Jundt Art Museum Presents Works by Makoto Fujimura Opening Sept. 7 August 26, 2019 A solo exhibition of recent works by the renowned international artist opens Sept. 7. Fujimura will visit Gonzaga on Oct. 4 for a presentation and... Telling War Project Empowers Veterans August 16, 2019 Project set sights on giving voice to veterans, through creative arts and multimedia storytelling, to engage in meaningful dialogue about the... Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center Unveils First Season’s Performances August 07, 2019 The 2019-20 season opens Sept. 13 and features performances by national and international artists including familiar names and rising stars of dance... Previous 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Next
Angela Jones: Education, Equity & Faith December 04, 2019 Angela Jones' leadership revolves around passion equitable access to education, and a strong personal faith. Tickets Available for ACDA Conference Performances March 11-14 December 04, 2019 Gonzaga hosts the American College Dance Association Northwest Conference, March 11-14, welcoming 26 universities to the celebration of scholarly and... Edelstein Gives Back to Gonzaga Students With Classroom Visit November 05, 2019 Alumnus Eric “Big Ed” Edelstein found himself back in a Gonzaga Theatre Arts class for the first time in a couple of decades, this time to share his... Professor Laurie Arnold Receives Fellowships October 18, 2019 SPOKANE, Wash. — Laurie Arnold, Ph.D., associate professor and director of Native American Studies at Gonzaga, has been named an American Council of... Unveiling of Go Forth October 14, 2019 Members of Spokane’s community came together with Gonzaga Law alumni, benefactors, Board members, administrators and students to celebrate the... Nicholas Carr to Discuss 'What Our Smartphones Are Doing to Our ... October 11, 2019 The acclaimed author and essayist best known for his books on technology, economics and culture will deliver Gonzaga's Arnold Lecture. The event is... Homerathon: Gonzaga’s Most Epic Tradition Unfolds Oct. 4 October 02, 2019 Students and other community members will take part in an all-day marathon reading of the oldest of the Greek epics, Homer’s “Iliad.” That’s 15,693... Professor Michael Herzog Pens Historical Novel on Geoffrey Chaucer September 19, 2019 For more than 30 years, Herzog passionately taught the works of 14th-century poet Geoffrey Chaucer to Gonzaga students. Now he is bringing Chaucer to... Music Department Presents Faculty Showcase Concert Sept. 29 September 16, 2019 GU music faculty will display their nationally and internationally renowned talents as performers at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center event. Law Center Presents Social Justice Conference Sept. 20 September 09, 2019 Event is titled “Medicine, Music, & Mascots: Furthering Social Justice in the Age of Intellectual Property.” Music Professor’s Composition Wins at International Competition September 04, 2019 Robert Spittal’s composition “Diversions” captures first prize at the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles Contest at the International... Behind the Scenes August 30, 2019 As amazing as the grand opening show in the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center last spring, was the colossal effort by Myrtle Woldson staff to make... Jundt Art Museum Presents Works by Makoto Fujimura Opening Sept. 7 August 26, 2019 A solo exhibition of recent works by the renowned international artist opens Sept. 7. Fujimura will visit Gonzaga on Oct. 4 for a presentation and... Telling War Project Empowers Veterans August 16, 2019 Project set sights on giving voice to veterans, through creative arts and multimedia storytelling, to engage in meaningful dialogue about the... Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center Unveils First Season’s Performances August 07, 2019 The 2019-20 season opens Sept. 13 and features performances by national and international artists including familiar names and rising stars of dance...