Elisabeth "Lisa" Bennett, Ph.D.

Professor of Counselor Education

I enjoy teaching immensely and counseling just as much. I see these responsibilities as well yoked… one informs the other in such a fashion as to keep me on my toes, keep my growing intentional, and keep my impact on students headed in a healthy...

Profile photo of Professor Elisabeth Bennett

Contact Information

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Utah

M.S., Counseling Psychology, University of Utah

B.S., Clinical Psychology, Brigham Young University

Curriculum Vitae

Courses Taught

EDCE 565 - Assessment in Counseling

EDCE 695 - Pre Practicum

EDCE 696 - Practicum

EDCE 697A - Internship

EDCE 697B - Internship

EDCE 698 - Professional Seminar

EDCE 699 - Final Oral Examination

I enjoy teaching immensely and counseling just as much.  I see these responsibilities as well yoked… one informs the other in such a fashion as to keep me on my toes, keep my growing intentional, and keep my impact on students headed in a healthy direction.  I am developmental at my core.  All humans are in a never-ending process of becoming and have immeasurable capacity and equal responsibility to work diligently to that end.  I’m a support, encourager, mentor where allowed, and educator/assessor of the impact of that education in demonstration of knowledge, application, and disposition.  I value deeply the process and impact of secure attachment development and maintenance.  For fun, my newest twist is the study of this process outside of humans and in the interactions of other living things.  My current focus and plan for research involves attachment between elephant moms and nannies and their young.  It’s looking like we may have distinct parallels and some things to learn from these amazing animals. 


Bennett, E.D. (2017). The Women’s Project. In Lebow, J., Chambers, A., & Breunlin, D. (Eds) Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. NYC: Springer.

Bennett, E.D. (2014) Other Pertinent Issues in Counseling Practice.  In Erford, B. (Eds) Clinical Experiences in Counseling.  New Jersey: Pearson.

Bennett, E, and O’Connor, T. (2011). Helping Students with Incarcerated Parents. In Erford, B. and Byrd, V (Eds.) Applying Technique to Common Encounters in School Counseling: A Case-Based Approach. NJ: Merrill Publishing.

Bennett, E, and Curran, L. (2011). Working with Sam, A Homeless Child. In Erford, B. and Byrd, V (Eds.) Applying Technique to Common Encounters in School Counseling: A Case-Based Approach. NJ: Merrill Publishing.

Bennett, E, and Brown, M. (2011.) Working with Gifted Children. In Erford, B. and Byrd, V (Eds.) Applying Technique to Common Encounters in School Counseling: A Case-Based Approach. NJ: Merrill Publishing.

Bennett, E. and Hastings, P.  (2009). Key legal issues in assessment. In Erford, B.. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Counseling. Alexandria, Virginia: American Counseling Association.

Hastings, P. and Bennett, E.  (2009). Classical conditioning. In Erford, B. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Counseling. Alexandria, Virginia: American Counseling Association.

Bennett, E.D. (1994). Life Events, Hardiness, and Prepartum Depression in Relationship to Maternity Blues and Postpartum Depression.  Dissertation Abstracts.


Bennett, E., Le, K, Lindahl, K., Wharton, S., Mak, T.W. (2017). Five out of the box techniques for encouraging teenagers to engage in counseling. Vistas.2017. Retrieved from  http://www.counnseling.org/knowledge-center/vistas

Bennett, E., Mak, T., Le, K., Garn, P., Perales, J., and Adame, S. (2016). Five Techniques for Redistributing Airtime in Family Counseling with Airtime Monopolizers, Vistas. Retrieved from

Bennett, E.D., Davari, J., Perales, J., Perales, A., Sumner, B., Gill, G., Mak, T.W. (2016). Five Counseling Techniques for Increasing Attachment, Intimacy, and Sexual Functioning in couples. Vistas.2016. Retrieved from http://www.counnseling.org/knowledge-center/vistas

Bennett, E.D., Bennette, W.E., Sylvester, A., Roth, B., and Cataldi, J. (2014). Concordance and the Counselor’s Role in Supporting Medical Compliance, Vistas. http://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center/vistas/vistas-2014.

Bennett, E.D., Sylvester, A. (2012). Postpartum Depression: What Counselors Need to Know, Vistas. Retrieved from http://counselingoutfitters.com/vistas/vistas13/Article_24.pdf.

Bennett, E.D., Beal, A.E., and Beal, B. (2012). Counseling for Sexual Dysfunction Through the Lens of Attachment. Vistas.  Retrieved from http://www.counseling.org/library/.

Bennett, E.D., Hunsaker, E., Butler, M., Cook, O., and Leland, B. (2012) Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Counselors Need to Know. Vistas. Retrieved from http://www.counselingoutfitters.com/vistas/vistas12/Article_102.pdf.

Bennett, E.D., Lewis, M., and Hunsaker, E. (2012). Counseling Kids with Incarcerated Caregivers. Retrieved from http://www.counseling.org/Resources/Library/VISTAS/vistas12/Article_56.pdf.

Bennett, E.D., and Smith, J.N. (2011). Neurology for Smarties: Symptoms recognition, referral, and support. Retrieved from www.counseling.org/Resources/Library/VISTAS/2011-V-Online/Article_57.pdf.

Koffman, S., Hicks, G., Arnette, K., Watckins, P., Jackson, N., Bennett, E., Browers, R. & Hastings, P. (2001). Psychosocial Variables in a Screening Study of Older Adults: Scale Development and Construct Validity. Presented at the 17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Vancouver, B.C. Internationals Journal of Experimental, Clinical, and Behavioral Gerontology, 47, 359. (abstract)

Evidenced based treatment strategies

Adult attachment

Attachment behaviors in elephants as compared to human attachment behaviors

Creative techniques in counseling