All Stories Home News, Events & Stories Stories Filter by Topic Section Menu Academics Alumni Arts & Culture Careers & Outcomes Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Voices Faith & Mission Global Impact Health & Wellness Service & Community Impact Student Life Sustainability Sodexo Lends a Hand to Northeast Neighbors December 02, 2020 Sodexo Food Services at Gonzaga is joining forces with the University’s Center for Community Engagement to provide more than a dozen pallets of... Journal of Hate Studies Seeks Submissions, Special Forum on ‘Pandemania’ December 02, 2020 The Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies is seeking submissions for Volume 17 of its Journal of Hate Studies, which will feature a forum on... Voting as a Just Society: Three-part series hosted by Mission and Ministry October 28, 2020 A series of lectures was put on by the Office of Mission and Ministry to explore elections in light of Catholic Social Thought. Leadership Strategies to Counter Hate October 27, 2020 This summer, students in Gonzaga University's School of Leadership Studies shared their diverse perspectives and collective commitment to social... You, the Founders of our Future October 20, 2020 Current Zags reflect on GU Founder Fr. Joseph Cataldo, S.J., and the ways in which you, the Gonzaga community, continue his legacy. BLM: A Dream Can Become Reality at GU October 11, 2020 The Black Lives Matter movement in America has heightened awareness on Gonzaga's campus of the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice.... Native American Cultural Center Rededicated September 28, 2020 Gonzaga's Native American Cultural Center was rededicated Sept. 17 with a new name in the Salish language. Gonzaga Debate Team Hosts Virtual Presidential Debate-Watch Sept. 29 September 26, 2020 The Gonzaga University debate team will host a debate-watch and dialogue sessions for the Sept. 29 U.S. presidential debate. This event will take... Designing Rosaries in an Act of Faith September 25, 2020 Zags Mari Cuevas and Trey Wagner start West Coast Catholic, a creative rosary design company A Time for Everything September 24, 2020 The editor's letter in Gonzaga Magazine, fall 2020 issue Gonzaga Scholars Awarded Grant to Host Conference on Sexual Abuse ... September 22, 2020 Gonzaga University has been awarded a $40,000 grant to host a four-day research conference in spring 2022 as part of a new interdisciplinary... Speakers Applaud Graduates' Persistence at Commencement September 21, 2020 Despite the turbulence graduates faced in the final months of their studies, the common thread in the speakers’ messages was hope, at Gonzaga... Professor Chien Publishes Research on Compassion Meditation, ... September 17, 2020 Gloria (I-Ling) Chien, Ph.D., assistant professor of religious studies at Gonzaga, has published a peer-reviewed research article showing how the... From Hollywood to Gonzaga, With Love August 31, 2020 Kurt Nolen was a camera operator in Hollywood, working on major motion pictures and television programs. But his role as videographer at Gonzaga... The Rebirth of Reconciliation August 27, 2020 How do we achieve reconciliation in a time of divide, specifically related to matters of diversity? Here's a look at some of Gonzaga's responses and... Previous 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Next
Sodexo Lends a Hand to Northeast Neighbors December 02, 2020 Sodexo Food Services at Gonzaga is joining forces with the University’s Center for Community Engagement to provide more than a dozen pallets of... Journal of Hate Studies Seeks Submissions, Special Forum on ‘Pandemania’ December 02, 2020 The Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies is seeking submissions for Volume 17 of its Journal of Hate Studies, which will feature a forum on... Voting as a Just Society: Three-part series hosted by Mission and Ministry October 28, 2020 A series of lectures was put on by the Office of Mission and Ministry to explore elections in light of Catholic Social Thought. Leadership Strategies to Counter Hate October 27, 2020 This summer, students in Gonzaga University's School of Leadership Studies shared their diverse perspectives and collective commitment to social... You, the Founders of our Future October 20, 2020 Current Zags reflect on GU Founder Fr. Joseph Cataldo, S.J., and the ways in which you, the Gonzaga community, continue his legacy. BLM: A Dream Can Become Reality at GU October 11, 2020 The Black Lives Matter movement in America has heightened awareness on Gonzaga's campus of the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice.... Native American Cultural Center Rededicated September 28, 2020 Gonzaga's Native American Cultural Center was rededicated Sept. 17 with a new name in the Salish language. Gonzaga Debate Team Hosts Virtual Presidential Debate-Watch Sept. 29 September 26, 2020 The Gonzaga University debate team will host a debate-watch and dialogue sessions for the Sept. 29 U.S. presidential debate. This event will take... Designing Rosaries in an Act of Faith September 25, 2020 Zags Mari Cuevas and Trey Wagner start West Coast Catholic, a creative rosary design company A Time for Everything September 24, 2020 The editor's letter in Gonzaga Magazine, fall 2020 issue Gonzaga Scholars Awarded Grant to Host Conference on Sexual Abuse ... September 22, 2020 Gonzaga University has been awarded a $40,000 grant to host a four-day research conference in spring 2022 as part of a new interdisciplinary... Speakers Applaud Graduates' Persistence at Commencement September 21, 2020 Despite the turbulence graduates faced in the final months of their studies, the common thread in the speakers’ messages was hope, at Gonzaga... Professor Chien Publishes Research on Compassion Meditation, ... September 17, 2020 Gloria (I-Ling) Chien, Ph.D., assistant professor of religious studies at Gonzaga, has published a peer-reviewed research article showing how the... From Hollywood to Gonzaga, With Love August 31, 2020 Kurt Nolen was a camera operator in Hollywood, working on major motion pictures and television programs. But his role as videographer at Gonzaga... The Rebirth of Reconciliation August 27, 2020 How do we achieve reconciliation in a time of divide, specifically related to matters of diversity? Here's a look at some of Gonzaga's responses and...