News & Stories Home About Gonzaga University Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at Gonzaga News & Stories How Do You Plead? November 30, 2018 Gonzaga Magazine's editor sets the stage for a feature on immigration Reframing Tolerance - Building a Just World November 19, 2018 At the 2018 observance of International Day of Tolerance, Liz Moore of the Peace and Justice Action League presented a message at Gonzaga Our Decision to Study Hate November 06, 2018 In this 2.5-minute video, Chief Diversity Officer Raymond Reyes shares why Gonzaga began its Institute for Hate Studies. Driving out Hate: A 20-Year Labor of Love November 05, 2018 The International Network for Hate Studies cites the Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies’ impact on the field, and others attribute the vision and... Standing in Solidarity: A Response to the Pittsburgh Massacre November 01, 2018 In the days following the horrific violence against members of the Jewish community in Pittsburg, several Jewish members of the GU community shared... Gonzaga Presents 2018-19 'Communities for Justice' Events October 03, 2018 Gonzaga proudly presents a series of events and activities to bring together the GU community and region Gonzaga Hate Studies Institute Marks Anniversary Oct. 12 October 02, 2018 Public event features video presentation by Nadine Strossen, author, law professor and former president of the ACLU, followed by a panel discussion. Zags Hit TEDx Stage, Oct. 6 September 27, 2018 Six Gonzaga graduates/students share their expertise and inspiration at TEDx Spokane Letter of the Law August 29, 2018 As part of the “Welcoming the Stranger” refugee series, we learn about the work of Gonzaga Law Professor Megan Ballard. Letter of the Law August 29, 2018 As part of the “Welcoming the Stranger” refugee series, we learn about the work of Gonzaga Law Professor Megan Ballard. Open Mind, Open Heart August 29, 2018 Learn about the refugee support of Shannon Dunn in “Welcoming the Stranger.” Resiliency August 29, 2018 In our “Welcoming the Stranger” series, see how Scott Starbuck rides for refugees. Top Dog August 24, 2018 This is Lucy, one Zag's service dog, here to let you in on some secrets about service animals, and where a dog can always find treats at Gonzaga. Gonzaga's Women Lead Initiative Announces Certificate Program July 26, 2018 The School of Leadership Studies will launch a certificate in women's leadership in September. Summer Leadership Institute for Young Women Begins July 12, 2018 Twenty-two female undergraduates from across the state who are energized to become more involved in the political process are gathered on campus for a... Daniel Stewart Co-Authors Native American Business Text July 02, 2018 The professor of entrepreneurship and director of the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program has contributed to the textbook “American Indian... Previous 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ... 23 24 25 26 27 Next
How Do You Plead? November 30, 2018 Gonzaga Magazine's editor sets the stage for a feature on immigration Reframing Tolerance - Building a Just World November 19, 2018 At the 2018 observance of International Day of Tolerance, Liz Moore of the Peace and Justice Action League presented a message at Gonzaga Our Decision to Study Hate November 06, 2018 In this 2.5-minute video, Chief Diversity Officer Raymond Reyes shares why Gonzaga began its Institute for Hate Studies. Driving out Hate: A 20-Year Labor of Love November 05, 2018 The International Network for Hate Studies cites the Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies’ impact on the field, and others attribute the vision and... Standing in Solidarity: A Response to the Pittsburgh Massacre November 01, 2018 In the days following the horrific violence against members of the Jewish community in Pittsburg, several Jewish members of the GU community shared... Gonzaga Presents 2018-19 'Communities for Justice' Events October 03, 2018 Gonzaga proudly presents a series of events and activities to bring together the GU community and region Gonzaga Hate Studies Institute Marks Anniversary Oct. 12 October 02, 2018 Public event features video presentation by Nadine Strossen, author, law professor and former president of the ACLU, followed by a panel discussion. Zags Hit TEDx Stage, Oct. 6 September 27, 2018 Six Gonzaga graduates/students share their expertise and inspiration at TEDx Spokane Letter of the Law August 29, 2018 As part of the “Welcoming the Stranger” refugee series, we learn about the work of Gonzaga Law Professor Megan Ballard. Letter of the Law August 29, 2018 As part of the “Welcoming the Stranger” refugee series, we learn about the work of Gonzaga Law Professor Megan Ballard. Open Mind, Open Heart August 29, 2018 Learn about the refugee support of Shannon Dunn in “Welcoming the Stranger.” Resiliency August 29, 2018 In our “Welcoming the Stranger” series, see how Scott Starbuck rides for refugees. Top Dog August 24, 2018 This is Lucy, one Zag's service dog, here to let you in on some secrets about service animals, and where a dog can always find treats at Gonzaga. Gonzaga's Women Lead Initiative Announces Certificate Program July 26, 2018 The School of Leadership Studies will launch a certificate in women's leadership in September. Summer Leadership Institute for Young Women Begins July 12, 2018 Twenty-two female undergraduates from across the state who are energized to become more involved in the political process are gathered on campus for a... Daniel Stewart Co-Authors Native American Business Text July 02, 2018 The professor of entrepreneurship and director of the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program has contributed to the textbook “American Indian...