
Douglas Addleman, Ph.D.

Doug Addleman, Ph.D.

Sarah Arpin

Sarah N. Arpin, Ph.D.

Profile photo of Professor Monica Bartlett

Monica Y. Bartlett, Ph.D

Annmarie Caño

Annmarie Caño, Ph.D.

Dr. Molly Kretchmar-Hendricks

Molly Kretchmar-Hendricks, Ph.D.

Portrait of Dr. Krista Kubiak Crotty

Krista Kubiak Crotty, Ph.D.

Anna Maria Medina, Ph.D.

Anna Marie Medina, Ph.D.

Ryan Merckle

Ryan Merckle, M.S.

Portrait of Michael D. Nelson, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology

Michael D. Nelson, Ph.D.

Vinai Norasakkunkit

Vinai Norasakkunkit, Ph.D.

Paul Romanowich, Ph.D.

Paul Romanowich, Ph.D.

McCall Sarrett, Ph.D.

McCall Sarrett, Ph.D.

Adam Stivers

Adam W. Stivers, Ph.D.

John Wolfe, Ph.D.

John Wolfe, Ph.D.

Dr. Nancy Worsham

Nancy L. Worsham, Ph.D.

Dr. Lee Wurm

Lee Wurm, Ph.D.

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Spokane, WA 99258