
Note: This event occurred in the past. Information and links provided here are for historical reference and may no longer be valid.

Schedule of Events

  • Conference events will take place at the John J. Hemmingson Center. Specific room information will available soon.
  • The keynote lecture will be in the Wolff Auditorium at Jepson Center.

Friday, April 5

6:30 p.m. Registration Opens
7:30 p.m. Keynote Lecture (Wolff Auditorium at Jepson Center)
8:30-10 p.m. Reception

Saturday, April 6

8 a.m. Registration Opens
8-8:30 a.m. Light Breakfast
8:30-10 a.m. First Paper Session (1.5 hours)
Session 1A: Medicine and Magic
Session 1B: Archaeology and Identity
10-10:30 a.m. Coffee Break
10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Second Paper Session (1.75 hours)
Session 2A: Exploring Identity in the Ancient World
Session 2B: Power and Authority
12:15-2 p.m. Lunch and Round Tables
1-2 p.m. Annual CAPN Business Meeting
2-3:30 p.m. Third Paper Session (1.5 hours)
Session 3A: Reception and Perception
Session 3B: Literary and Archaeological Landscapes
3:30-4 p.m. Coffee Break
4-5:30 p.m. Plenary Speaker’s Panel
5:30-7 p.m. Concluding Reception

Session Details

Keynote Lecture

Who's Revitalizing Homer?: The Relevance and Risks of Classical Reception Today
Dr. Donna Zuckerberg, Publisher of Eidolon

Abstract: Recently, a surprising group has taken up the mantle of explaining why the study of the ancient Greeks and Romans remains vitally important: the alt-right. Alt-right thinkers present themselves as protectors of the Classics who are saving the cultural heritage of the West from social-justice-warrior professors who secretly want to destroy it. In this lecture, Donna Zuckerberg explores what antiquity means to far-right online communities and what progressive classicists can do to respond.

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Session 1A: Medicine and Magic

“Doctors without Borders.” Nigel Nicholson, Reed College

“Matronyms in the Greek Magical Papyri: Questions of Gender and Genre.” Alexandra Tucker, Bryn Mawr College

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Session 1B: Archaeology and Identity

“Kypriaka Chronika: Tales of Ancient Cypriote Ceramics in West Coast Collections
(An Introduction to the Exhibition at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art, February 9 – April 28, 2019).”

Ann Nicgorski, Willamette University

“Results of the Akurgal-Budde Excavations at Sinop (1951-1953).”
Ulrike Krotscheck, Evergreen State College

“Material Culture and Ethnic Identity: A Ptolemaic Case Study.”
Tom Landvatte, Reed College

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Session 2A: Exploring Identity in the Ancient World

“Sparta's Spectacular Austerity.”
Ellen Millender, Reed College

“The Romans are not ‘the Other’. The Aeneas Legend and the Greco-Trojan Origins of Rome in the Roman Antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus.”
Poletti, Beatrice, University of Alberta

“Metapoetic Self-Referentiality in the Artwork Poems of Martial’s Apophoreta.”
Emma Brobeck, University of Washington

“The Artistry of Sulpicia’s libellus ([Tib]. 3.13-18).”
Ortwin Knorr, Willamette University

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Session 2B: Power and Authority

“Philetairos of Pergamon: Pseudo-βασιλεύς.”
Lex Ladge, Reed College

“Hostages and Hostage Taking in the Works of Flavius Josephus.”
Aidan Kolar, University of Oregon

“Ἀρχή & the Origin of Authority.”
Simon Dutton, University of South Florida

“Pindar's Horai in Olympian 13.”
Chris Eckerman, University of Oregon

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Session 3A: Reception and Perception

“Masculinum dignius est feminino: The History and Reception of a Latin Grammatical Formula.”
Megan O’Donald, University of Washington

“Law & Orator: Modern Detective Fiction Tropes in Receptions of Cicero’s Life.”
Kathryn Stutz, University of Puget Sound

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Session 3B: Literary and Archaeological Landscapes

“University of Oregon excavations at Fontanaccia—the shifting meaning of ancient landscapes.”
Kevin Dicus, University of Oregon

“Corn by any other name: sitos, aroura, and the language of bread-eating.”
Jessica Romney, Dickinson University

“Pollution in Theban Landscapes in Sophocles and Seneca.”
Laura Zientek, Reed College

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Plenary Speaker’s Panel

“Tu modo seruitio uacuum me siste superbo - Propertius' call for Augustus' restoration of libertas to the res publica restituta in Elegy 3.17.”
Barbara Weinlich, University of Montana

“Imprisonment and the Body: A Corporal Investigation of Athenian Social Status within the Athenian Structure of Imprisonment.”
Wynter Pohlenz Telles Douglas, Bryn Mawr College

“Transgressive Toys: ἄθυρμα in Archaic Hexameter Poetry and Beyond.”
Annie Lamar, University of Puget Sound

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