
Mathematics is a rich and diverse field. The department encourages students to get to know one another, to support one another, and to pursue the common goal of a greater understanding of the world around us.  The Gonzaga mathematics department hosts numerous activities throughout the year including preparation for the Putnam mathematical competition, activities for undergraduate women in mathematics, and a periodic research level seminar (colloquia).  Gonzaga is also a proud member of Pi Mu Epsilon and schedules talks and activities for members of our local chapter, Washington Epsilon.

For Students

Internship Opportunities
The American Mathematical Society has compiled a list of internship opportunities.

Math Seminar Series
Monthly math talks (colloquium) hosted by Gonzaga's Mathematics Department.  The faculty liaison is Dr. Hays Whitlatch

Gonzaga University Society for Women in Mathematics
The Gonzaga University Society for Women in Mathematics mentors and encourages women as they prepare for careers in mathematical sciences while providing a platform for conversation among women and other gender minorities in the mathematics community. We welcome all students irrespective of their gender, gender identity, or major in the college.  For information and to be added to this group, please contact Dr. Katharine Shultis or Dr. Hays Whitlatch

Tutoring in the Math Learning Center 
Free resource for Gonzaga students proctored by math professors and selected math students.

Math Research Collaboration Center 
A comfortable and effective space where undergraduate students and faculty can gather to work on collaborative projects.

Putnam Mathematics Competition
The Putnam Mathematical Competition is the preeminent mathematics competition for undergraduate college students in the United States and Canada. Visit the Mathematical Association of America's website for more detailed information.  For information and to be added to this group, please contact Dr. Eric Hogle

Pi Mu Epsilon (PME) / Washington Epsilon
Gonzaga hosts an active chapter of PME. Our faculty liaison is Dr. Bonni Dichone

SIAM Chapter (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Gonzaga hosts an active chapter of SIAM. Our faculty liaison is Dr. Joe Stover

Actuarial Sciences
Sign up in Zagtivities for Actuarial Club. Dr. Abdulla Mamun and Dr. Joe Stover are faculty liaisons for this club.

Mathematics Department Awards
Gonzaga's Mathematics Department issues four separate student awards each year.

For the Community

Gonzaga Math Tutoring Outreach
Gonzaga University students, under faculty direction, had been offering free math tutoring services to school children from 1st to 12th grade. However, the program has had to be suspended due to the pandemic. Resources for finding free and low-cost tutoring options can be found at the Gonzaga Math Tutoring Outreach Page

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