E. Cassandra Dame-Griff, Ph.D.

Instructional Technologist, Instructional Design and Delivery

E. Cassandra Dame-Griff holds a PhD in American Studies, with a focus on U.S. Latina/o/x Studies. Her work examines the intersections of anti-fat and anti-Latina/o/x public rhetoric, focusing the racialization of fatness as evidence of Latina/o/x pathology...

Portrait of  E. Cassandra Dame-Griff, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Critical Race & Ethnic Studies

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E. Cassandra Dame-Griff holds a PhD in American Studies, with a focus on U.S. Latina/o/x Studies. Her work examines the intersections of anti-fat and anti-Latina/o/x public rhetoric, focusing the racialization of fatness as evidence of Latina/o/x pathology and unassimilability.