
How do I find music through Foley Library?

Numerous music related databases are available:

  • Streaming Audio or Video Databases: A list of our subscribed databases, limited to those with streaming content. 
  • All Music Databases: A list of all subscribed databases that contain information on music, including streaming videos, audio, and reference materials related to music

Search Primo for genre, artist, or composer, in Primo you can limit your search to each of the following material types:

  • Streaming Music: select filters on the left Resource Type: Audio Visual and Availability: Full Text Online
  • CDs and DVDs:select filters Resource Type: Audio Visual and Availability: Available in the Library
  • Sheet Music: select filters Availability: Available in the Library and Resource Type: Scores

Good to know:

  • Check out our Music Research Subject Guide for additional music resources
  • Need to listen to a CD or watch a DVD?  DVD drives are available for checkout at the circulation desk or reserve a study room with a DVD player in it.

Additional Music Resource:

The Howard W. Wildin Sheet Music Collection contains 18,584 pieces, mainly of original American popular sheet music dating back to the mid-19th century including several hundred published musical and film song folios, musical artist folios, musical genre folios, and dance folios.  Some pieces from different countries are also part of the collection.

Mr. Wildin collected the materials over many years.  The entire collection has been scanned and, as restricted by copyright laws, those 75 years old and older are available online, but you will need to visit our library to view those items. Funding for this project was provided by Howard W. Wildin.