Latin/Classics Club

Gonzaga University Classics Club Event Photo

The Gonzaga Classics Club seeks to promote awareness of Latin, Greek and the Classical world on campus by hosting events, and holding meetings that seek to foster interests in the Latin and Greek languages as well as give crash courses to students interested in the ancient world. Having been given official club status in Fall 2009, the Classics Club also provides a gateway for those who aspire to become members of Eta Sigma Phi, the National Classics Honors Society. Visit the Zagtivities page of the Classics club.

There are no prerequisites for joining the Classics Club, all are welcome. Weekly meetings for 2017/18 are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 8 pm in College Hall 135.

For inquiries, feel free to contact club President Sarah Godbehere.

Classics Club officers (2017/2018)

  • President/Consul: Sarah Godbehere
  • Vice President/Praetor: Sam Redline
  • Treasurer/Quaestor: Connor Heffernan
  • Secretary/Proconsul: Kaitlynn Sterling
Gonzaga University Classics Club Officers group photo

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