Scholarship Spotlight: Where Ends Meet

Sponsored Zag Suzanna Bilderback

February 26, 2018

Gonzaga scholarship recipients and their families go to great lengths to make ends meet. Sponsored Zag Peter Larson’s (’21) mother started waiting tables to help send her four boys to college. Suzanna Bilderback (’21) has been working since she was 14 years old to contribute to the needs of her family. It’s that sort of commitment and drive that motivates people like Chris (’66) and Mary Ann Bulger to give in support of hardworking Gonzaga students. 

“We sincerely believe Gonzaga students are the future of our communities," said Chris, "and the foundation of that all-important future generation of Zags." The Bulgers added that they were significantly influenced by the Jesuit community, and their family’s many years of involvement with Gonzaga, which included 30 years on Gonzaga's Board of Regents and several Gonzaga graduates in the family. 

"We felt it was important to contribute annually and plan our estate to fund a scholarship for future generations of Zags," Mary Ann explained. "Receiving personal notes and in-person comments from our many scholarship recipients over the past two decades has been very rewarding.”

Sponsored Zags Peter Larson and Suzanna Bilderback

For Larson and Bilderback, being on the receiving end of Gonzaga scholarships has been an equally rewarding experience, for which they are both truly grateful.

“Your gift to scholarships is a selfless gesture that shows you care about this community,” said Larson, an Eagle Scout who is excited for the many opportunities his scholarship presents for him at Gonzaga. Though still undecided in his major, he is passionate about service and being exposed to other cultures and is making plans to have an impact after graduation. “With what I gain here at Gonzaga, I will change the world for the better one piece at a time.”

With the help of her scholarship, Bilderback is majoring in business and minoring in dance. “College always seemed like a must for me,” she said. “Your support allows me to pursue my dreams—making what once seemed impossible, reality.”

Like Chris and Mary Ann, you hold the key that unlocks opportunity for students like Peter and Suzanna—make your scholarship gift today.