Student Team Designs Hybrid Still

Water still by a 2017 Senior Design team

May 31, 2017

Health centers in developing countries deal with many challenges, including a lack of steady electricity and adequate clean water. Team members Marilyn Hoag, Brett Paul, Kyle Ishikawa, Kalev Sepp and Zachary White wanted to design a water purification system for off-grid health centers. Water relatively-free of contaminants could clean medical tools, treat patients, and support other needs.

Under advisement of Dr. Steve Silliman and sponsorship of Ron & Sara Seubert, the team chose an active hybrid system. Solar energy first heats water to accelerate evaporation, and cools a condensation surface where the clean water is collected for use in the clinic.

The working prototype was tested for efficiency under a number of environmental, production rate, and energy demand scenarios. This project team was multi-disciplinary with three mechanical and two electrical engineering students.

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