Jesus Meets you at the Well

Lake with ducks

March 13, 2020
Terry Randles, Office of Mission and Ministry

John 4:5-42

This Sunday’s reading is one of the longest conversations Jesus has in the Gospels. This conversation with a woman from Samaria and Jesus a Jew, is an unlikely encounter considering the strained relations of the two regions.

Interestingly, the Samaritan woman is drawing water during the heat of the day. She intentionally wants to avoid other women from her community. This speaks to her diminished status even among her own people. Jesus brings up her multiple marriages and living status of the woman. But she distracts with a question about him requesting water from the likes of her. Whereupon, Jesus suggests anyone, who drinks of even Jacob’s well will be thirsty again. But the water Jesus gives will well up, overflow and leads all of us to eternal life.

This meeting with Jesus gives the Samaritan woman hope for a better life and even beyond. Like the Woman at the Well, we also are invited to be drenched in this living water. As we continue through this Lenten Season let us each contemplate our own spiritual thirst that can only be quenched by partaking of this life and fellowship of Jesus.