
A golden opportunity. Get a taste of Zambia Gold.

February 19, 2018

What's all the buzz about?

Zags are finding a way to support a school and strengthen a community with pure African honey. Sweet.

When ten Gonzaga students from the Comprehensive Leadership Program traveled to northwestern Zambia, they were inspired to work together with the community to bring more opportunity to the region. And once they tasted pure African honey, they realized just how they could do it.

Collaborating with local bee farmers and the Zambezi Catholic Mission, the students partnered with a small corporation called Zam-Bee-A Honey to find a way to sell fair-trade, organic forest honey in the U.S.—giving all of the profits directly back to educational efforts in the country’s Northwest Province.

The resulting project, named Zambia Gold, makes it possible to maintain the upkeep of a school in Zambezi that educates more than 800 students. And over the next five years, the school’s leaders hope to raise enough money for electricity, a three-classroom addition and supplemental teacher salaries.

  • Global Impact
  • Service & Community Impact
  • School of Leadership Studies
  • Comprehensive Leadership Program