Alumni Survey: What You Said

we heart our zags

September 01, 2017

YOU SAID IT. WE HEARD YOU. we’re responding.

Thank you for the great response to our Alumni Survey. We read the feedback, are thrilled most of you have a great feeling about Gonzaga, and we appreciate the constructive recommendations on how we can serve you better. New and enhanced resources in the areas most important to your alumni experience are listed below. Watch for changes yet to come.

  • Greater Access to the Zag Network
  • Online Directory – it’s refreshed. Update your profile or contact a friend at
  • Online Mentoring Platform: It’s new. Mentor a student or alum, or start a corporate or affinity group
  • Regional Chapters – We’ve added more locations, join yours today.


  • Atomic Learning – Improve your computer skills with online software training and resources
  • Career Treks – Students and Alumni enjoy career fairs, corporate visits, alumni panel discussions and networking dinners. Join us in New York, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Silicon Valley, San
  • Francisco, Denver and L.A. for Treks.


  • Alumni Chaplain Fr. Steve Hess, S.J., has joined our team.

You asked us to be mindful of how many solicitations we send, and we’re working hard to strike the right balance. You also told us how strongly you feel that every qualified student should be able to afford a Gonzaga education, and experience GU in the ways you did. We agree. As we enter this final year of the Gonzaga Will campaign, please consider helping make that possible for deserving students with your gifts. Go to to help.

Kara Hertz
Director of Engagement & Alumni
Alumni Association

Connectedness, communications major themes of alumni survey response

ONCE A ZAG, always a Zag.

Last fall, 2,370 of you responded to a survey about your affiliation with Gonzaga. Here’s what we found:

  • A vast majority of you had an excellent student experience here, and 95 percent of you still rate your impression of Gonzaga as good or excellent
  • Many of you named Dan Brajcich, Bud Hazel and Sue Weitz as part of your best memories
  • Your favorite GU experiences included Gonzaga-in-Florence/study abroad, Search retreat and intramural sports
  • You feel loyal to Gonzaga as an institution, its Jesuit, Catholic mission, and to Zag athletics
  • You get most of your information about GU from Gonzaga Magazine


“A lot of my development, growth and success as a student is because of the mentor-mentee relationship I had with Gonzaga alumni. We should all give back to current students through mentoring.”
– 2010s ALUM

“My Jesuit education at Gonzaga has given me an ethical and logical foundation that underlies my life decisions. The warmth, community and spirituality that I experienced were unlike any other community (I’ve been a part of) since.”
– 1970s ALUM


We learned that our alumni would like to:

  • Keep better connected through improved communications from the University and with each other
  • Hear about things happening on campus and within the University on a more regular basis
  • Hear about job opportunities within our GU network, both for alumni and for students’ benefit
  • Participate in mentoring opportunities with students and other alumni in search of new horizons
  • Know about University services to alumni and benefits of being involved in alumni activities
  • Be of more help in providing financial aid to qualified students who otherwise could not afford a Gonzaga education


“The most important thing to me is that I am a Zag. Always will be. It was four of the best years of my life. I made lifelong friends and feel like I belong to a special and select club – the Zags. There is just something magical.”
– 1980s ALUM