Event Details
Note: This event occurred in the past. Information and links provided here are for historical reference and may no longer be valid.
Rosauer 100 (PoH Office)
About This Event
Join us for lunch and learn led by Dr. Anna Marie Medina as she discusses her community-engaged, student-faculty project work done in partnership with Spokane Public Schools.
Dr. Medina and her students are examining ecological stressors as they vary by socio-economic status and their impact on parenting and child outcomes. This work has recently included examinations of two different zip codes in the Spokane area and their differential levels of:
- Exposure to legacy contaminants (lead, arsenic, cadmium)
- Exposure to noise
- Exposure to traffic
- Exposure to neighborhood disorder (as broadly assessed by police report)
Dr. Medina will talk about this work and the process of involving community partners and Gonzaga students in this kind of collaboration.
Catering and beverages provided!