Social & Behavioral Interdisciplinary Sessions

The social and behavioral science interdisciplinary sessions are held once a semester by Gonzaga in Florence faculty and are aimed at creating reflective and critical thought on a current global issue. Topics are chosen following the principles and ideals of Catholic social teaching. The key speaker will present an argument from her/his discipline’s postulate and method, then, the other members of the panel will create a discussion by addressing the keynote from their disciplinary grounds. Students from the participating areas (Hist, Econ, Pols, Psyc, Soci and Reli) are encouraged to engage in the debate through questions and presentations.

The first session title was: "The December 2007-May 2008 Garbage Crisis in Campania and the Camorra" (Fall 2008) The last session title was: "Global Mobility: From Zygmunt Bauman’s Wasted Lives to Pope Francis’ "throwaway culture" (Spring 2017).