Climate Action

Gonzaga University views climate change as an obstacle to a better future, and an opportunity for action, teaching, and justice. As we advance our mission in light of our changing world, we are called to hold ourselves in balance before the gifts of creation.

Climate Action Plan: Gonzaga University's Path to Climate Neutrality

As a signatory of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC), Gonzaga pledged to deepen and strengthen its commitment to sustainability. Developed for the campus by the Advisory Council on Stewardship and Sustainability (ACSS) and endorsed by President Thayne McCulloh, the Climate Action Plan (CAP) embodies the University’s comprehensive response to climate change and its efforts to advance ecological stewardship. As a “living document”, it will be reviewed and revised over time.

The CAP outlines current initiatives, strategies for achieving future targets, and potential funding sources and progress measures. Gonzaga has pledged to work toward climate neutrality, or net zero emissions, specifically a reduction of at least 20% by 2020 and at least 50% by 2035 with the goal of climate neutrality by 2050 (from a 2009 baseline).

If you would like to get involved with these efforts or if you have any questions about the CAP, please contact us.

Gonzaga Environmental Studies Capstone CAP Proposal

As part of the Gonzaga's Environmental Studies department senior capstone course (Spring 2012) taught by Associate Professor Greg Gordon, students conceived and designed a complementary CAP proposal to the University Climate Action Plan. In this academic exercise, students researched CAPs from other universities, attended ACSS meetings, met with faculty and staff, and researched and presented their recommendations. 

Climate Action Planning Documents

Gonzaga Climate Action Plan: Executive Summary (pdf)

Gonzaga Climate Action Plan: 2013-2035 Roadmap (pdf)

Climate Resources

ACUPCC Implementation Guide
Sustainability and Catholic Higher Education: At Toolkit for Mission Integration