Seizure Guidelines

Information about Epilepsy and Seizures

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder with a variety of symptoms. Seizures - episodes of abnormal mental or muscular activity - are the basic indicator of Epilepsy. Seizures occur when brain cells misfire causing an electrical storm in the brain. They may be infrequent or in a rapid succession.

An individual having a seizure may experience one or more of the following symptoms for a couple of seconds or a couple of minutes:

  • Stare blankly
  • Appear to be daydreaming
  • Mention feeling tired
  • Lose consciousness
  • Display jerking limbs (trunk, neck, eyes, or face)
  • Lose saliva
  • Have noisy respiration
  • Appear a dusty pale blue color (face, nails or lips)

If an individual is having a seizure:

  • Gently roll the person onto one side and put something soft under the head
  • Loosen tight neckwear
  • Don't put anything in the mouth
  • Don't try to restrain the person
  • Look for medical alert bracelet
  • If the individual is unconscious (unresponsive to voice command or in obvious pain) call 9-911 on campus and 911 off campus.

Provide the 911 dispatcher with the following information:

  • The exact location (name of building, street, floor)
  • Condition/nature of emergency
  • Unresponsive individual's name
  • Caller's name
  • Extension or phone number call is coming from
  • Direct someone to meet the ambulance
  • Call GU Security (x3222) after you have called 911

This information is provided by the Accessibility Committee. Please direct any medical questions to the Student Health Center at x4052.